▼ docs | |
► cpp | |
namespaces.hpp | File used by doxygen to generate the documentation of namespaces |
toc.hpp | File used by doxygen to generate the source documentation main page |
▼ include | |
► AAAA | |
AAAAinformation.hpp | Header file for the objects used for AAAA information |
AAAAprovider.hpp | AAAA provider object |
AAAAproviderInterface.hpp | AAAA provider interface |
audit.hpp | Top-level header file for AAAA audit |
authenticator.hpp | Authenticator interface definition |
authorization.hpp | Top-level header file for authorization interface |
authSlice.hpp | AuthenticationSlice interface |
authUnit.hpp | Top-level header file for authentication unit interface |
CRAM.hpp | Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism classes |
passwordChanger.hpp | |
passwordHash.hpp | Wolframe password hashes |
pwdChangeMessage.hpp | Password changer data structure |
user.hpp | Basic user login information |
usernameHash.hpp | Username hash used by Wolframe authentication |
► appdevel | |
► module | |
authenticationConstructor.hpp | Interface to constructors of authenticators |
cppFormFunctionBuilder.hpp | Interface template for object builder of built-in functions |
cppFormFunctionTemplate.hpp | Template for declaring C++ form function |
customDataTypeBuilder.hpp | Interface template for object builder of form functions |
ddlcompilerBuilder.hpp | Interface template for object builder of form DDL compilers |
doctypeDetectorBuilder.hpp | Interface template for object builder of filters |
filterBuilder.hpp | Interface template for object builder of filters |
normalizeFunctionBuilder.hpp | Interface template for object builder of normalize functions from a description |
programTypeBuilder.hpp | Interface template for object builder of arbitrary program types implementing form functions |
runtimeEnvironmentConstructor.hpp | Interface to constructors of runtime environment for executing functions that need it |
authenticationModuleMacros.hpp | Macros for a module for defining an authentication mechanism |
commandHandlerModuleMacros.hpp | Macros for a module for a configurable command handler |
cppFormFunctionModuleMacros.hpp | Macros and templates for building C++ an application form function module |
customDataTypeModuleMacros.hpp | Macros for defining a custom datatype module |
databaseModuleMacros.hpp | Macros for a module for defining a database interface |
ddlCompilerModuleMacros.hpp | Macros for a module implementing a DDL compiler |
doctypeModuleMacros.hpp | Macros for a document type/format module definition |
filterModuleMacros.hpp | Macros for a filter modules |
moduleFrameMacros.hpp | Macros for defining the frame of a Wolframe application extension module |
normalizeModuleMacros.hpp | Macros for defining normalization and validaton function module |
programTypeModuleMacros.hpp | Macros for a module for a program type for a binding language |
protocolHandlerModuleMacros.hpp | Macros for a module for a protocol handler |
runtimeEnvironmentModuleMacros.hpp | Macros for a module for a configurable runtime environment for a binding language or a binding language universe |
► cmdbind | |
commandHandler.hpp | Interface to a generic command handler |
doctypeDetector.hpp | Interface for document type and format recognition |
ioFilterCommandHandler.hpp | |
protocolHandler.hpp | |
► config | |
configurationBase.hpp | Base classes for the configuration structures |
configurationTree.hpp | Configuration tree for the configuration parser |
valueParser.hpp | Parser for the configuration tokens |
► crypto | |
HMAC.hpp | Standard HMAC-SHA256 C++ interface |
PBKDF2.hpp | Standard PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 C++ interface |
► database | |
► vm | |
instructionSet.hpp | Defines the instruction set of the virtual machine defining database transactions |
output.hpp | Defines the output of a virtual machine for database transactions |
programCode.hpp | Defines the structure for the program code as array of instructions |
programImage.hpp | Interface for program executing database transactions |
programInstance.hpp | Interface for state of a program executing database transactions |
subroutineFrame.hpp | Defines a structure for addressing the parameters passed to a subroutine by name |
valueTupleSet.hpp | Defines the structure holding a set of tuples (database results, transaction input, suroutine parameters) and providing an iterator on it |
baseStatement.hpp | Interface to substitute parameters in embedded SQL statements |
database.hpp | Wolframe base database class |
databaseError.hpp | Error class for databases |
databaseLanguage.hpp | Language definitions for embedded commands in transactions |
DBprovider.hpp | Database provider interface |
statement.hpp | The interface of an SQL statement parameter substutution class |
substitutingStatement.hpp | Interface to an abstract database statement class |
transaction.hpp | Interface of a database transaction |
transactionExecStatemachine.hpp | Interface to the standard database transaction execution statemechine |
vmTransactionInput.hpp | Definition of transaction input |
vmTransactionOutput.hpp | Definition of transaction output |
► filter | |
envelopefilter.hpp | Filter serving as envelope for a typed filter with some addtionional context data. Used for functions that return a result of a function called as their own result. They need to add their closure so that it not get freed while the result is still processed by the caller |
execContextInputFilter.hpp | Execution context elements as input filter |
filter.hpp | Interface for filter class |
filterbase.hpp | Common definitions of input and output filter |
filterdef.hpp | Interface for parsing filter definitions |
inputfilter.hpp | Interface for input filter |
inputfilterScope.hpp | Interface to scope of an input filter |
joinfilter.hpp | Interface for a filter created from the join of two filters |
null_filter.hpp | Filter that emits an error for beeing undefined instead of doing something when used |
outputfilter.hpp | Interface for output filter |
ptreefilter.hpp | Filter for serialization/deserialization of a property tree |
redirectFilterClosure.hpp | Interface to redirect streaming from an input filter to an output filter interface |
singlefilter.hpp | Interface of input filter that returns one content element only |
tostringfilter.hpp | Interface for tostring methods in language bindings |
typedfilter.hpp | Typed interface for input/output filter |
typedfilterScope.hpp | Interface to scope of typed filter |
typingfilter.hpp | Interface of filters that wrap untyped to typed input/output filters |
► langbind | |
auditFunction.hpp | Interface of auditing functions |
authorizationFunction.hpp | Interface of the authorization function |
ddlCompilerInterface.hpp | Defines the compiler interface for definition languages (DDL) used for specifying forms |
formFunction.hpp | Interface for executing functions with structure input/output in the language bindings |
input.hpp | Interface to network output for processor language bindings |
output.hpp | Interface to network output for processor language bindings |
runtimeEnvironment.hpp | Definition of language runtime environment |
► logger | |
logBackend.hpp | Interface for the logging backend |
logError.hpp | Error markers for logger output stream |
logLevel.hpp | Defines allowed log levels of the logger |
logSyslogFacility.hpp | Defines facilities of the system logger |
► module | |
constructor.hpp | Base classes for virtual constructors to build objects loaded from modules |
moduleDirectory.hpp | Module objects directory |
moduleInterface.hpp | Basic interface classes that to build objects and the Wolframe module interface |
moduleLoader.hpp | Loader of the module entrypoint |
► prgbind | |
ddlProgram.hpp | Interface for loading programs written in a DDL to describe forms |
normalizeProgram.hpp | Interface for loading programs for token normalization |
program.hpp | Interface for programs loaded by the processor provider |
programLibrary.hpp | Program library interface |
► processor | |
execContext.hpp | Execution context |
jobSchedule.hpp | |
procProvider.hpp | Processor provider for language bindings and database |
procProviderConfig.hpp | Processor Provider configuration |
procProviderInterface.hpp | Interface to processor provider for language bindings and database |
► serialize | |
► ddl | |
ddlParseStack.hpp | Defines the Parsing STM for DDL serialization |
ddlSerializeStack.hpp | Defines the Parsing STM for DDL serialization |
ddlStructParser.hpp | Defines the DDL structure deserialization |
ddlStructSerializer.hpp | Defines the DDL structure serialization |
► struct | |
intrusiveParser.hpp | Defines the intrusive implementation of the deserialization of objects interfaced as TypedInputFilter |
intrusiveProperty.hpp | Defines the intrusive implementation of some parsing element properties |
intrusiveSerializer.hpp | Defines the intrusive implementation of the serialization of structures |
parseStack.hpp | Defines the parsing stack for deserialization |
parseValue.hpp | Defines the intrusive parsing of a value in deserialization |
printValue.hpp | Defines the intrusive printing of a value for serialization |
serializeStack.hpp | Defines the parsing stack for serialization of objects |
structDescription.hpp | Defines the bricks for the SDK to describe serialization/deserialization of objects in Wolframe |
structDescriptionBase.hpp | Defines the non intrusive base class of serialization/deserialization of objects interfaced as TypedInputFilter/TypedOutputFilter |
structParser.hpp | Deserialization interface |
structSerializer.hpp | Serialization interface |
traits_getCategory.hpp | Defines the type traits for the intrusive part of serialization/deserialization |
configSerialize.hpp | Defines functions for serialization/deserialization of configuration |
cppFormFunction.hpp | Interface to form functions written in C++ |
ddlFormParser.hpp | Interface to DDL form parsing |
ddlFormSerializer.hpp | Interface to DDL form serialization |
descriptiveConfiguration.hpp | Named configuration defined by description |
flags.hpp | Defines the flags for serialization behaviour |
mapContext.hpp | Defines the data structure holding the global serialization state variables (without the stack) |
structOptionParser.hpp | Provides uniform handling of structures in program command line options |
tostringUtils.hpp | Defines a configuration structure parser |
► system | |
connectionEndpoint.hpp | Classes for network endpoints |
connectionHandler.hpp | Base class for the connection handler and related objects |
errorCode.hpp | Error codes |
globalRngGen.hpp | Global random generator |
objectPool.hpp | Thread capable pool of objects |
randomGenerator.hpp | Random Generator interface class |
serverEndpoint.hpp | Server endpoint classes |
SSLcertificateInfo.hpp | Certificate info for SSL |
► types | |
addressRestriction.hpp | Interface for a map for configured ip based authorization checks |
base64.hpp | |
bignumber.hpp | Type for representing arbitrary precision fixed point numbers and big integers as binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers |
conversions.hpp | Conversions of atomic types |
customDataNormalizer.hpp | Custom data normalization function |
customDataType.hpp | Custom data type interface for variant |
datetime.hpp | Date and datetime value type |
docmetadata.hpp | Structure representing document meta data |
doctypeinfo.hpp | Structure for document type and format |
form.hpp | Defines the unified form data structure as defined by a DDL (data definition language). A form data structure represents the document unit of a wolframe request or answer |
integer.hpp | Application wide definitions of integer number value types |
keymap.hpp | Template for map with case insensitive key strings |
normalizeFunction.hpp | Normalize function definition |
numberBaseConversion.hpp | Private interface for big number conversions from decimal to binary represention and back |
propertyTree.hpp | Interface to a key value tree based on boost::property_tree::ptree with position info for better error reporting |
secureReference.hpp | Smart pointer definition with the intention to hold sensitive data |
secureString.hpp | String constant definition with the intention to hold sensitive data |
sharedReference.hpp | Shared reference to an object exchangeable in a single thread context |
string.hpp | Type for strings in various encodings |
traits.hpp | Type traits |
variant.hpp | Variant value type |
variantStruct.hpp | Structures of variant types |
variantStructDescription.hpp | Description of structures of variant types |
► utils | |
allocators.hpp | Interface for special purpose memory allocators |
asciiCharParser.hpp | Ascii character by characer parser in a unicode source feeded chunkwise. Used for document format guessing and doctype extraction |
fileLineInfo.hpp | Defines a data structure to hold positional info in a source file for error messsages etc |
fileUtils.hpp | Utility functions for file handling |
getPassword.hpp | |
malloc.hpp | Alternative malloc that checks for memory corruption |
parseUtils.hpp | Utility functions for parsing, tokenization and positional error handling |
printFormats.hpp | Templates describing printing of structures |
resolvePath.hpp | Functions for resolving relative pathes |
sourceLineInfo.hpp | Defines a data structure to hold positional info in a source string for error messsages etc |
stringUtils.hpp | Utility functions for string handling (Mainly to hide intrusive stuff. Implementation is done with help of STL/boost) |
typeSignature.hpp | Interface for signature for structures to detect memory problems |
appConfig.hpp | Application configuration |
appDevel.hpp | Macros and templates for building Wolframe extensions. This is the main include file for writing Wolframe application extensions in native C++ |
appInfo.hpp | Application wide singleton for the application info |
appProperties.hpp | Application wide singleton for the application properties |
logger-v1.hpp | Top-level include file for logging (version 1) |
OSdefaults.hpp | Various default flags depending on the OS |
platform.hpp | Header file for the Platform class |
standardConfigs.hpp | Standard configuration structures |
version.hpp | Header file for the Version class |
wolframe.hpp | Header file for the main Wolframe version number |
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