Wolframe, 0.0.3

namespaces.hpp File Reference

File used by doxygen to generate the documentation of namespaces. More...

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 Toplevel Wolframe namespace.
 Interfaces for authentication, authorization, auditing and accounting.
 Development interfaces for writing Wolframe application extension modules.
 Base64 encoding/decoding functions (implemented in the core library libwolframe)
 Interfaces to command handlers and some basic command handlers (implemented in the library libwolframe_langbind)
 Interfaces and templates for configuration structures and parsers.
 templates for type dependend characteristics in configuration
 Cryprographic structures and functions (implemented in the core library libwolframe)
 Database related classes (implemented in the library libwolframe_database)
 Classes implementing the virtual machine for executing database transactions.
 Glueing classes for language bindings and filters (implemented in the library libwolframe_langbind)
 Logger structures (implemented in the core library libwfsingleton)
 Module base classes and object builder structures.
 Network and connection handling.
 Interfaces to programs and the program library.
 Processor provider and execution context.
 Helper classes for implementing the protocol and handling buffers.
 Serialization library (implemented in the library libwolframe_serialize)
 templates for type dependend characteristics in serialization
 Basic data types (implemented in the core library libwolframe)
 templates for type dependend characteristics in basic types
 Utility functions for parsing, handling files, allocating memory, etc. (implemented in the core library libwolframe)
 STL namespace.

Detailed Description

File used by doxygen to generate the documentation of namespaces.