▼N_Wolframe | Toplevel Wolframe namespace |
►NAAAA | Interfaces for authentication, authorization, auditing and accounting |
CAAAAconfiguration | Configuration for AAAA (Authentication, Authorization, Audit, Accounting) |
CAAAAprovider | Global provider object to create AAAA related objects |
CAAAAproviderInterface | Provider interface to create AAAA related objects |
CAuditor | Virtual base (interface) for auditor classes |
CAuditUnit | |
CAuthenticationUnit | This is the base class for the authentication unit implementations |
CAuthenticator | Authenticator interface This the only interface to be used by the system. All other interfaces are internal to the authentication objects |
CAuthenticatorSlice | This is the base class for authenticator slices implementations An authenticator has (usually) several authenticator slices The AuthenticatorSlice(s) are provided by the their respective AuthenticationUnit(s) in the AAAA provider |
CAuthorizationUnit | This is the base class for authorization unit implementations |
CAuthorizer | Interface for all authorization mechanisms |
CConnectInfo | Connection intiation info for AAAA purposes |
CCRAMchallenge | Challenge for the authentication mech "Wolframe-CRAM" |
CCRAMresponse | Response for the authentication mech "Wolframe-CRAM" |
CCRAMsalt | Extract the password seed from the challenge message |
CInformation | Base class for AAAA information objects |
CPasswordChangeMessage | Password changer data structure |
CPasswordChanger | Password changer interface This the only interface to be used by the system. All other interfaces are internal to the authentication objects |
►CPasswordHash | Password hash |
CHash | |
CSalt | |
CUser | Data structure containing all login data of a user |
CUsernameHash | |
►Nappdevel | Development interfaces for writing Wolframe application extension modules |
CCppFormFunction | Application development template for form functions written in C++ |
►Nbase64 | Base64 encoding/decoding functions (implemented in the core library libwolframe) |
CDecoder | Base64 decoder class for chunkwise decoding |
CEncoder | Base64 encoder class for chunkwise encoding |
►Ncmdbind | Interfaces to command handlers and some basic command handlers (implemented in the library libwolframe_langbind) |
CCommandHandler | Command handler interface |
CCommandHandlerUnit | Class that defines a command handler class and is able to create instances of it |
CDoctypeDetector | Interface to document type and format detection |
CDoctypeDetectorType | Constructor as class |
CIOFilterCommandHandler | Abstract class for command handler processing filter input/output |
CProtocolHandler | Protocol handler interface |
CProtocolHandlerUnit | Class that defines a protocol handler class and is able to create instances of it |
►Nconfig | Interfaces and templates for configuration structures and parsers |
CApplicationConfiguration | Application configuration structure |
CConfigurationBase | Base class for the configuration structures |
CConfigurationTree | Configuration structure as tree |
CNamedConfiguration | A named configuration is a normal configuration that provides also an className function |
►CParser | Configuration parser for parsing the tokens of the configuration |
CBaseTypeDomain | Describes a domain without value restriction except the one given by the C++ value type itself |
CBoolDomain | Describes the value domain of a boolean value as enumeration of all possible values |
CEnumDomain | Describes a value domain for an enumerable fixed set of values |
CNonEmptyDomain | |
CRangeDomain | Describes a value domain for a range of values |
CServiceBanner | Service signature |
CServiceConfiguration | Daemon / service configuration |
►Ncrypto | Cryprographic structures and functions (implemented in the core library libwolframe) |
CHMAC_SHA1 | Standard HMAC-SHA1 object |
CHMAC_SHA256 | Standard HMAC-SHA256 object |
CRandomGenerator | Random Generator interface class |
►Ndb | Database related classes (implemented in the library libwolframe_database) |
►Nvm | Classes implementing the virtual machine for executing database transactions |
CInstructionSet | Enumeration of instructions for the transaction VM with some static functions on them |
►COutput | Output structure of the VM for transactions |
CElement | Element of output |
CProgramCode | The structure for the program code as array of instructions |
►CProgramImage | Program addressing only flat data structures and with symbolic information stripped out |
CErrorHint | Hint for adding user information to the database error |
►CProgramInstance | Instance of a program with statevariables |
CResultFlags | Flags defined in the database command between DO and the statement (NONEMPTY,UNIQUE) |
CStackElement | State stack element of the virtual machine executing a transaction |
CSubroutineFrame | Structure for addressing the parameters passed to a subroutine by name |
►CValueTupleSet | Set of tuples (database results, transaction input, etc.) |
Cconst_iterator | Iterator on this set of value tuples |
CBaseStatement | Implements basic parsing of the Wolframe SQL statement with placeholders, derived classes can steer how the SQL string is converted to native format |
CDatabase | Base class for database interface. All databases should provide this interface |
CDatabaseError | Class for describing database errors |
CDatabaseProvider | Database provider |
CDatabaseUnit | This is the base class for virtual constructors of databases |
CDBproviderConfig | Database configuration |
CLanguageDescription | Interface to properties of the database language used |
CLanguageDescriptionSQL | |
CStatement | The interface of a statement SQL parameter substutution class |
CSubstitutingStatement | An abstract statement class which allows derived classes to provide a simple escaping function which encodes the data which is stored directly in the SQL statement |
►CTransaction | Transaction interface |
CResult | Result of a single statement execute call: executeStatement( const std::string&, const std::vector<types::Variant>&); |
CTransactionExecStatemachine | Interface to the database transaction execution statemechine |
CVmTransactionInput | Input of a transaction |
CVmTransactionOutput | Output of a transaction |
►Nlangbind | Glueing classes for language bindings and filters (implemented in the library libwolframe_langbind) |
CAuditFunction | Interface of a an auditing function as special form function |
►CAuthorizationFunction | Interface of a an authorization function |
CAttribute | Key value pair as authorization function result |
CContentFilterBase | Base of a content input/ouput filter |
CDDLCompiler | Interface for DDL compilers |
CEnvelopeInputFilter | Envelope for a input filter and its context |
CExecContextElement | One element of an execution context input filter definition |
CExecContextInputFilter | Filter for passing seleced elements of an execution context as parameters to a function |
CFilter | Structure defining a filter for input and output as unit |
CFilterBase | Base of input/ouput filter |
CFilterDef | Definition of a filter with methods to parse it from a source |
CFilterType | Structure defining a type of a filter (used as virtual constructor to create filter instances) |
CFormFunction | Form function interface |
CFormFunctionClosure | Form function execution context interface |
CInput | Input as seen from the application processor program |
CInputFilter | Input filter |
CInputFilterScope | InputFilter that stops fetching elements after the creation tag level has been left |
CJoinInputFilter | Input filter as join of two input filters |
CNullFilterType | Null filter, a filter representing an empty structure |
COutput | Output as seen from scripting language binding |
COutputFilter | Output filter |
►CPropertyTreeInputFilter | Filter for property tree structures |
CState | State of property tree input filter |
►CPropertyTreeOutputFilter | Output filter for serializing a structure as property tree |
CState | State of property tree output filter |
CRedirectFilterClosure | Closure of a map from an input filter to an output filter |
CRuntimeEnvironment | Runtime environment for functions that need it. (for example as structure hosting the CLR for .NET function calls) |
CRuntimeEnvironmentFormFunction | Form function that needs an execution environment |
CSingleElementInputFilter | Input filter returning one content element only |
CToStringFilter | Output filter for tostring methods in language bindings |
CTypedInputFilter | Input filter with atomic values having a type |
CTypedInputFilterScope | TypedInputFilter that stops fetching elements after the creation tag level has been left |
CTypedOutputFilter | Output filter with atomic values having a type |
►CTypingInputFilter | Typed fascade for input filter |
CStackElement | Stack element of the input filter state stack |
CTypingOutputFilter | Typed fascade for output filter |
►Nlog | Logger structures (implemented in the core library libwfsingleton) |
CLogBackend | Logger backend implementing the logger sink |
CLogError | Logger error |
CLogger | Logger abstraction configurable to print to multiple backends |
CLoggerConfiguration | Logger configuration |
CLogLevel | Logger levels describing the severity of the logged message |
CSyslogFacility | Facility (sink) for syslog |
►Nmodule | Module base classes and object builder structures |
CAuthenticationConstructor | Constructor of an authentication unit |
CBuilderBase | |
CConfiguredBuilder | Builder for objects with configuration |
CConfiguredBuilderDescription | Template for constructing a configured builder |
CCppFormFunctionBuilder | Builder of a form function constructor written in C++ |
CCppFormFunctionConstructor | Constructor of a form function written in C++ |
CCppFormFunctionDef | Definition of a form function written in C++ |
CCustomDataTypeBuilder | Builder of a custom data type constructor for language bindings |
CCustomDataTypeConstructor | Constructor of a custom data type for language bindings |
CDDLCompilerBuilder | Builder of a DDL compiler constructor for defining data forms |
CDDLCompilerConstructor | Constructor of a DDL compiler for defining data forms |
CDoctypeDetectorBuilder | Document type and format detector builder |
CDoctypeDetectorConstructor | Document type and format detector constructor |
CFilterBuilder | Builder of a filter type constructor |
CFilterConstructor | Constructor of a filter type |
CModuleEntryPoint | The module entry point structure. Only one entry point per module |
CModulesDirectory | The modules directory used by the constructors of the providers to build themselves |
CNormalizeFunctionBuilder | Builder of a normalization function type constructor |
CNormalizeFunctionConstructor | Constructor of a normalization function type |
CProgramTypeBuilder | Builder of a program type constructor |
CProgramTypeConstructor | Constructor of a program type of the program library |
CRuntimeEnvironmentConstructor | Constructor of a runtime environment for executing functions |
CSimpleBuilder | Base class for builders of objects without configuration |
►Nnet | Network and connection handling |
CCloseConnection | Network operation: close the current network connection |
CConfiguration | Network server configuration |
CConnectionEndpoint | Base class for network endpoints |
CConnectionHandler | The common handler for the connection status |
CLocalEndpoint | Local connection endpoints |
CLocalEndpointConfig | Local connection endpoint configuration for authorization, connection based timeout, etc |
CLocalTCPendpoint | Local unencrypted endpoint |
CNetworkOperation | Base class for a network operation. It should never be accessed directly by the user code |
CNoOp | Network operation: no operation |
CReadData | Network operation: asynchronously read a block of data |
CRemoteEndpoint | Remote connection endpoint |
CRemoteTCPendpoint | Remote unencrypted endpoint |
CSendData | Network operation: asynchronously send a block of data |
CSendString | Network operation: asynchronously send a string (message) This is just some syntactic sugar, simplifying SendData |
CServerTCPendpoint | No encryption server endpoint |
►Nprgbind | Interfaces to programs and the program library |
CDDLProgram | Program type for a data definition language (DDL) for forms |
CNormalizeProgram | Program type for normalizer functions (.wnmp files) used for atomic types in form data description languages |
CProgram | Interface for programs of a program library |
CProgramLibrary | Class representing the program library with all programs loaded |
►Nproc | Processor provider and execution context |
CExecContext | Execution context passed to functions for referencing resources and to define authorization dependend processing |
►CProcessorProvider | Processor provider, the class that provides access to configured global objects to processors |
CCommandHandlerDef | Definition of a command handler with its configuration |
CProcessorProviderInterface | Abstract class as processor provider interface |
CProcProviderConfig | Processor provider configuration |
►Nserialize | Serialization library (implemented in the library libwolframe_serialize) |
►Ntraits | Templates for type dependend characteristics in serialization |
Catomic_ | Category tag for an atomic type |
Chas_description_method | Conditional template for detecting if a type is a class with a static/member method getStructDescription() returning a const pointer to a structure description as defined in serialize/structDescriptionBase.hpp |
Chas_description_method< T, true > | |
►Chas_description_method_noprm | |
Clarge_type | |
Ctester_static_signature | |
Cstruct_ | Category tag for a structure with named elements |
Cvector_ | Category tag for a std::vector of any type |
CApiFormData | Structure to hold an arbitrary C++ structure as owner defined by a serialization definition |
►CContext | Global state variables of a running serialization/deserialization procedure (without the stack) |
CElementBuffer | Buffer for one element fetched |
CCppFormFunction | Function of language bindings implemented in C++ with a form as argument and as result. The forms are defined by a serialization description |
CCppFormFunctionClosure | Closure with calling state of called CppFormFunction |
CDDLFormParser | Parser of a form from a serialization defined by a DDL |
CDDLFormSerializer | Serializer of a form defined by a DDL |
CDDLParseState | State stack element for an initializer of a DDL structure from an iterator (serialization) |
CDDLSerializeState | State stack element for an iterator on a DDL structure (serializer of VariantStruct) |
CDDLStructParser | Initializer of a DDL structure from an iterator (serialization) |
CDDLStructSerializer | Iterator on a DDL structure (serializer of VariantStruct) |
CDescriptiveConfiguration | |
CEmptyStruct | Class representing an empty structure |
CFlags | Set of flags to negotiate source behaviour in serialization and sink behaviour in validation |
CIntrusiveParser | Forward declaration |
CIntrusiveProperty | Maps the traits based on structure element type properties to an enumeration value |
CIntrusiveSerializer | Forward declaration |
CParseState | State stack element for an initializer of a structure |
CParseStateStack | State stack for an initializer of a structure |
CSerializeState | State stack element for an iterator on a structure (serializer) |
CStructDescription | Intrusive description of a filter/form map |
CStructDescriptionBase | Base class for structure description used for introspection in serialization/deserialization |
CStructParser | Initializer of a structure based on a structure description feeded with a serialization |
CStructSerializer | Iterator on elements of structures based on a structure description |
►Ntypes | Basic data types (implemented in the core library libwolframe) |
►Ntraits | Templates for type dependend characteristics in basic types |
►Cis_back_insertion_sequence | Enable-if template for deciding wheter elements can be added to the class T with 'push_back' as for example std::vector |
Clarge_type | |
Ctester_member_signature | |
►CAddressRestriction | Structure to define and check configured ip based authorization |
CElement | One element of a list of address restrictions (deny or allow) |
CBigNumber | Type for representing big numbers as binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers |
CBigNumberConst | Constant big number that is not owned by the structure (caller has ownership) |
CCustomDataInitializer | Initializer for a custom data value |
CCustomDataMethodCallNormalizer | Normalizer function created from a custom data method call |
CCustomDataNormalizer | Normalizer function created from a custom data type initializer |
CCustomDataType | Custom Data Type Definition |
CCustomDataValue | Custom data value |
►CDateTime | Data type for normalized date time (absolute time without time zone info) |
CStringFormat | Format for parsing/printing date time |
►CDocMetaData | Document meta data representation |
CAttribute | One document meta data attribute |
CDoctypeInfo | Document type information representation created by a document type recognizer |
CEndian | Class for little/big endian operations |
CForm | Form data structure |
CFormDescription | Description of a form structure |
Ckeymap | Map with case insensitive strings as keys |
Ckeystring | Constructor for implementing implicit type reductions in key maps that store the key as upper case string |
CNormalizeFunction | Basic normalization function for atomic values (variant type) |
CNormalizeFunctionMap | Map of basic normalization functions for atomic values (variant type) |
CNormalizeFunctionType | Class of basic normalization functions instantiated by arguments |
CNormalizeResourceHandle | Base class for resources for normalization functions |
►CPropertyTree | Hierarchical data structure for representing configuration data trees |
CNode | Property tree node |
CValue | Property tree node value |
CSecureReference | Smart pointer template with the intention to hold sensitive data |
CSecureString | String definition with the intention to hold sensitive data |
►CSharedReference | Shared reference to an object exchangeable for all owners in a single thread context |
CPointer | Pointer for reference with another indirection to make the exchange of the object possible |
►CString | Type for representing strings in various encodings |
CEncodingAttrib | Attributes describing an encoding completely |
CEncodingClass | Structure namespace for the enumeration of supported encoding classes |
CStringConst | Constant string that is not owned by the structure (caller has ownership) |
►CVariant | Forward declaration |
CData | Internal representation of this value |
CVariantConst | Variant value type that represents a variant copy without content ownership |
CVariantIndirection | Variant type as indirection: Variant value is only expanded when referenced |
►CVariantStruct | Structure of variant type atoms or substructures |
Cconst_iterator | Const iterator on struct or array elements |
Citerator | Iterator on struct or array elements |
CVariantStructConst | Variant structure that represents a variant structure copy without content ownership |
►CVariantStructDescription | Description of a variant structure as array of attributes and content elements |
Cconst_iterator | Const iterator on the elements of the definition |
CElement | One element of the structure description. Refers to the element with the same index in the corresponding VariantStruct |
Citerator | Iterator on the elements of the definition |
CVariantUnresolved | Unresolved indirection |
►Nutils | Utility functions for parsing, handling files, allocating memory, etc. (implemented in the core library libwolframe) |
CArrayDoublingAllocator | Interface for an allocator implemented with the strategy of array doubling |
CAsciiCharParser | Class for parsing ascii character by character from a source in an unicode based encoding |
CCharTable | Character table structure for parseNextToken( std::string&,std::string::const_iterator&, std::string::const_iterator, ...); |
CFileLineInfo | Source line info with filename reference for error messages |
CFileType | Get the file type |
CGreedySmallChunkAllocator | Interface for an allocator for small chunks without a free. Memory is freed in the destructor of the allocator |
CIdentifierTable | Identifier table structure for parseNextIdentifier( std::string::const_iterator&, std::string::const_iterator, ...); |
CPrintFormat | Structure with info for uniform printing for a type of message (log format as compact one liner, text as multi liner) |
CSourceLineInfo | Line information for error messages for parser using STL string iterators as source scanners |
CTypedArrayDoublingAllocator | Interface for an array doubling allocator that allocates only one fixed size type of element |
CTypeSignature | Signature of a type for pointer constraint check (disabled) |
CApplicationInfo | Application wide singleton for the application info |
CConfiguredObjectConstructor | Constructor of a configured object |
CErrorCode | |
CErrorLevel | |
CGlobalRandomGenerator | Global random generator (sort of a pseudo-singleton) |
CObjectConstructorBase | Constructor base class |
CObjectPool | Class represening a pool of objects |
CObjectPoolTimeout | Timeout exception for object pool |
CPlatform | Platform class |
CServerHandler | The server main handler All it should do is to provide connection handlers |
CSimpleObjectConstructor | Constructor of a simple (without configuration) object |
CVersion | Version class |
CJobSchedule | |
CJobScheduleProvider | |
CLogTraceContext | Callback context structure for logging VM instructions in transaction execution |
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