►C_Wolframe::AAAA::AAAAproviderInterface | Provider interface to create AAAA related objects |
C_Wolframe::types::AddressRestriction | Structure to define and check configured ip based authorization |
C_Wolframe::serialize::ApiFormData | Structure to hold an arbitrary C++ structure as owner defined by a serialization definition |
C_Wolframe::config::ApplicationConfiguration | Application configuration structure |
C_Wolframe::ApplicationInfo | Application wide singleton for the application info |
►C_Wolframe::utils::ArrayDoublingAllocator | Interface for an allocator implemented with the strategy of array doubling |
C_Wolframe::utils::AsciiCharParser | Class for parsing ascii character by character from a source in an unicode based encoding |
C_Wolframe::serialize::traits::atomic_ | Category tag for an atomic type |
C_Wolframe::types::DocMetaData::Attribute | One document meta data attribute |
C_Wolframe::langbind::AuthorizationFunction::Attribute | Key value pair as authorization function result |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::Auditor | Virtual base (interface) for auditor classes |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::AuditUnit | |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::AuthenticationUnit | This is the base class for the authentication unit implementations |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::Authenticator | Authenticator interface This the only interface to be used by the system. All other interfaces are internal to the authentication objects |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::AuthenticatorSlice | This is the base class for authenticator slices implementations An authenticator has (usually) several authenticator slices The AuthenticatorSlice(s) are provided by the their respective AuthenticationUnit(s) in the AAAA provider |
C_Wolframe::langbind::AuthorizationFunction | Interface of a an authorization function |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::AuthorizationUnit | This is the base class for authorization unit implementations |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::Authorizer | Interface for all authorization mechanisms |
►C_Wolframe::config::Parser::BaseTypeDomain | Describes a domain without value restriction except the one given by the C++ value type itself |
►C_Wolframe::types::BigNumber | Type for representing big numbers as binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers |
►C_Wolframe::module::BuilderBase | |
C_Wolframe::utils::CharTable | Character table structure for parseNextToken( std::string&,std::string::const_iterator&, std::string::const_iterator, ...); |
►C_Wolframe::cmdbind::CommandHandler | Command handler interface |
C_Wolframe::proc::ProcessorProvider::CommandHandlerDef | Definition of a command handler with its configuration |
C_Wolframe::cmdbind::CommandHandlerUnit | Class that defines a command handler class and is able to create instances of it |
►C_Wolframe::config::ConfigurationBase | Base class for the configuration structures |
►C_Wolframe::net::ConnectionEndpoint | Base class for network endpoints |
C_Wolframe::net::ConnectionHandler | The common handler for the connection status |
C_Wolframe::types::VariantStruct::const_iterator | Const iterator on struct or array elements |
C_Wolframe::types::VariantStructDescription::const_iterator | Const iterator on the elements of the definition |
C_Wolframe::db::vm::ValueTupleSet::const_iterator | Iterator on this set of value tuples |
C_Wolframe::serialize::Context | Global state variables of a running serialization/deserialization procedure (without the stack) |
C_Wolframe::appdevel::CppFormFunction< OutputType, InputType, Function > | Application development template for form functions written in C++ |
C_Wolframe::module::CppFormFunctionDef | Definition of a form function written in C++ |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::CRAMchallenge | Challenge for the authentication mech "Wolframe-CRAM" |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::CRAMresponse | Response for the authentication mech "Wolframe-CRAM" |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::CRAMsalt | Extract the password seed from the challenge message |
C_Wolframe::types::CustomDataInitializer | Initializer for a custom data value |
C_Wolframe::types::CustomDataType | Custom Data Type Definition |
C_Wolframe::types::CustomDataValue | Custom data value |
C_Wolframe::types::Variant::Data | Internal representation of this value |
C_Wolframe::db::Database | Base class for database interface. All databases should provide this interface |
C_Wolframe::db::DatabaseError | Class for describing database errors |
C_Wolframe::db::DatabaseUnit | This is the base class for virtual constructors of databases |
C_Wolframe::types::DateTime | Data type for normalized date time (absolute time without time zone info) |
C_Wolframe::langbind::DDLCompiler | Interface for DDL compilers |
C_Wolframe::serialize::DDLParseState | State stack element for an initializer of a DDL structure from an iterator (serialization) |
C_Wolframe::serialize::DDLSerializeState | State stack element for an iterator on a DDL structure (serializer of VariantStruct) |
►C_Wolframe::serialize::DDLStructParser | Initializer of a DDL structure from an iterator (serialization) |
C_Wolframe::base64::Decoder | Base64 decoder class for chunkwise decoding |
C_Wolframe::types::DocMetaData | Document meta data representation |
C_Wolframe::cmdbind::DoctypeDetector | Interface to document type and format detection |
C_Wolframe::cmdbind::DoctypeDetectorType | Constructor as class |
C_Wolframe::types::DoctypeInfo | Document type information representation created by a document type recognizer |
C_Wolframe::types::AddressRestriction::Element | One element of a list of address restrictions (deny or allow) |
C_Wolframe::types::VariantStructDescription::Element | One element of the structure description. Refers to the element with the same index in the corresponding VariantStruct |
C_Wolframe::db::vm::Output::Element | Element of output |
C_Wolframe::serialize::Context::ElementBuffer | Buffer for one element fetched |
C_Wolframe::serialize::EmptyStruct | Class representing an empty structure |
C_Wolframe::base64::Encoder | Base64 encoder class for chunkwise encoding |
C_Wolframe::types::String::EncodingAttrib | Attributes describing an encoding completely |
C_Wolframe::types::String::EncodingClass | Structure namespace for the enumeration of supported encoding classes |
C_Wolframe::types::Endian | Class for little/big endian operations |
C_Wolframe::ErrorCode | |
C_Wolframe::db::vm::ProgramImage::ErrorHint | Hint for adding user information to the database error |
C_Wolframe::ErrorLevel | |
C_Wolframe::proc::ExecContext | Execution context passed to functions for referencing resources and to define authorization dependend processing |
C_Wolframe::langbind::ExecContextElement | One element of an execution context input filter definition |
►Cfalse_type | |
C_Wolframe::utils::FileType | Get the file type |
C_Wolframe::langbind::Filter | Structure defining a filter for input and output as unit |
►C_Wolframe::langbind::FilterBase | Base of input/ouput filter |
C_Wolframe::langbind::FilterDef | Definition of a filter with methods to parse it from a source |
►C_Wolframe::langbind::FilterType | Structure defining a type of a filter (used as virtual constructor to create filter instances) |
C_Wolframe::serialize::Flags | Set of flags to negotiate source behaviour in serialization and sink behaviour in validation |
►C_Wolframe::langbind::FormFunction | Form function interface |
►C_Wolframe::langbind::FormFunctionClosure | Form function execution context interface |
C_Wolframe::utils::GreedySmallChunkAllocator | Interface for an allocator for small chunks without a free. Memory is freed in the destructor of the allocator |
C_Wolframe::serialize::traits::has_description_method_noprm< T > | |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::PasswordHash::Hash | |
C_Wolframe::crypto::HMAC_SHA1 | Standard HMAC-SHA1 object |
C_Wolframe::crypto::HMAC_SHA256 | Standard HMAC-SHA256 object |
C_Wolframe::utils::IdentifierTable | Identifier table structure for parseNextIdentifier( std::string::const_iterator&, std::string::const_iterator, ...); |
►C_Wolframe::AAAA::Information | Base class for AAAA information objects |
C_Wolframe::langbind::Input | Input as seen from the application processor program |
►C_Wolframe::db::vm::InstructionSet | Enumeration of instructions for the transaction VM with some static functions on them |
►Cintegral_constant | |
C_Wolframe::serialize::IntrusiveParser< TYPE > | Forward declaration |
C_Wolframe::serialize::IntrusiveProperty< T > | Maps the traits based on structure element type properties to an enumeration value |
C_Wolframe::serialize::IntrusiveSerializer< TYPE > | Forward declaration |
C_Wolframe::types::traits::is_back_insertion_sequence< T > | Enable-if template for deciding wheter elements can be added to the class T with 'push_back' as for example std::vector |
C_Wolframe::types::VariantStruct::iterator | Iterator on struct or array elements |
C_Wolframe::types::VariantStructDescription::iterator | Iterator on the elements of the definition |
CJobSchedule | |
CJobScheduleProvider | |
►C_Wolframe::db::LanguageDescription | Interface to properties of the database language used |
C_Wolframe::serialize::traits::has_description_method_noprm< T >::large_type | |
C_Wolframe::types::traits::is_back_insertion_sequence< T >::large_type | |
C_Wolframe::net::LocalEndpointConfig | Local connection endpoint configuration for authorization, connection based timeout, etc |
C_Wolframe::log::LogBackend | Logger backend implementing the logger sink |
C_Wolframe::log::LogError | Logger error |
C_Wolframe::log::Logger | Logger abstraction configurable to print to multiple backends |
C_Wolframe::log::LogLevel | Logger levels describing the severity of the logged message |
CLogTraceContext | Callback context structure for logging VM instructions in transaction execution |
►Cmap | |
C_Wolframe::module::ModuleEntryPoint | The module entry point structure. Only one entry point per module |
C_Wolframe::module::ModulesDirectory | The modules directory used by the constructors of the providers to build themselves |
►C_Wolframe::net::NetworkOperation | Base class for a network operation. It should never be accessed directly by the user code |
C_Wolframe::types::PropertyTree::Node | Property tree node |
►Cnoncopyable | |
►C_Wolframe::types::NormalizeFunction | Basic normalization function for atomic values (variant type) |
C_Wolframe::types::NormalizeFunctionMap | Map of basic normalization functions for atomic values (variant type) |
C_Wolframe::types::NormalizeFunctionType | Class of basic normalization functions instantiated by arguments |
C_Wolframe::types::NormalizeResourceHandle | Base class for resources for normalization functions |
►C_Wolframe::ObjectConstructorBase | Constructor base class |
C_Wolframe::ObjectPool< objectType > | Class represening a pool of objects |
C_Wolframe::langbind::Output | Output as seen from scripting language binding |
C_Wolframe::db::vm::Output | Output structure of the VM for transactions |
C_Wolframe::config::Parser | Configuration parser for parsing the tokens of the configuration |
C_Wolframe::serialize::ParseState | State stack element for an initializer of a structure |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::PasswordChangeMessage | Password changer data structure |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::PasswordChanger | Password changer interface This the only interface to be used by the system. All other interfaces are internal to the authentication objects |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::PasswordHash | Password hash |
C_Wolframe::crypto::PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1 | |
C_Wolframe::Platform | Platform class |
C_Wolframe::types::SharedReference< OBJ >::Pointer | Pointer for reference with another indirection to make the exchange of the object possible |
C_Wolframe::utils::PrintFormat | Structure with info for uniform printing for a type of message (log format as compact one liner, text as multi liner) |
►C_Wolframe::proc::ProcessorProviderInterface | Abstract class as processor provider interface |
►C_Wolframe::prgbind::Program | Interface for programs of a program library |
C_Wolframe::db::vm::ProgramCode | The structure for the program code as array of instructions |
C_Wolframe::prgbind::ProgramLibrary | Class representing the program library with all programs loaded |
►C_Wolframe::types::PropertyTree | Hierarchical data structure for representing configuration data trees |
C_Wolframe::cmdbind::ProtocolHandler | Protocol handler interface |
C_Wolframe::cmdbind::ProtocolHandlerUnit | Class that defines a protocol handler class and is able to create instances of it |
►C_Wolframe::crypto::RandomGenerator | Random Generator interface class |
C_Wolframe::langbind::RedirectFilterClosure | Closure of a map from an input filter to an output filter |
C_Wolframe::db::Transaction::Result | Result of a single statement execute call: executeStatement( const std::string&, const std::vector<types::Variant>&); |
C_Wolframe::db::vm::ProgramInstance::ResultFlags | Flags defined in the database command between DO and the statement (NONEMPTY,UNIQUE) |
►Cruntime_error | |
C_Wolframe::langbind::RuntimeEnvironment | Runtime environment for functions that need it. (for example as structure hosting the CLR for .NET function calls) |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::PasswordHash::Salt | |
C_Wolframe::types::SecureReference< P > | Smart pointer template with the intention to hold sensitive data |
C_Wolframe::types::SecureReference< AAAA::User > | |
C_Wolframe::serialize::SerializeState | State stack element for an iterator on a structure (serializer) |
C_Wolframe::types::SharedReference< OBJ > | Shared reference to an object exchangeable for all owners in a single thread context |
C_Wolframe::types::SharedReference< InputFilter > | |
C_Wolframe::types::SharedReference< OutputFilter > | |
►C_Wolframe::utils::SourceLineInfo | Line information for error messages for parser using STL string iterators as source scanners |
C_Wolframe::langbind::TypingInputFilter::StackElement | Stack element of the input filter state stack |
C_Wolframe::db::vm::ProgramInstance::StackElement | State stack element of the virtual machine executing a transaction |
C_Wolframe::langbind::PropertyTreeInputFilter::State | State of property tree input filter |
C_Wolframe::langbind::PropertyTreeOutputFilter::State | State of property tree output filter |
►C_Wolframe::db::Statement | The interface of a statement SQL parameter substutution class |
►Cstring | |
►C_Wolframe::types::String | Type for representing strings in various encodings |
C_Wolframe::types::DateTime::StringFormat | Format for parsing/printing date time |
C_Wolframe::serialize::traits::struct_ | Category tag for a structure with named elements |
►C_Wolframe::serialize::StructDescriptionBase | Base class for structure description used for introspection in serialization/deserialization |
C_Wolframe::serialize::StructParser | Initializer of a structure based on a structure description feeded with a serialization |
C_Wolframe::db::vm::SubroutineFrame | Structure for addressing the parameters passed to a subroutine by name |
C_Wolframe::log::SyslogFacility | Facility (sink) for syslog |
C_Wolframe::types::traits::is_back_insertion_sequence< T >::tester_member_signature< V, > | |
C_Wolframe::serialize::traits::has_description_method_noprm< T >::tester_static_signature<> | |
C_Wolframe::db::Transaction | Transaction interface |
C_Wolframe::db::TransactionExecStatemachine | Interface to the database transaction execution statemechine |
C_Wolframe::utils::TypeSignature | Signature of a type for pointer constraint check (disabled) |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::User | Data structure containing all login data of a user |
C_Wolframe::AAAA::UsernameHash | |
C_Wolframe::db::vm::ValueTupleSet | Set of tuples (database results, transaction input, etc.) |
►C_Wolframe::types::Variant | Forward declaration |
►C_Wolframe::types::VariantStructDescription | Description of a variant structure as array of attributes and content elements |
►Cvector | |
C_Wolframe::serialize::traits::vector_ | Category tag for a std::vector of any type |
C_Wolframe::Version | Version class |
C_Wolframe::db::VmTransactionInput | Input of a transaction |
C_Wolframe::db::VmTransactionOutput | Output of a transaction |
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