Wolframe, 0.0.3

Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 N_WolframeToplevel Wolframe namespace
 NAAAAInterfaces for authentication, authorization, auditing and accounting
 NappdevelDevelopment interfaces for writing Wolframe application extension modules
 Nbase64Base64 encoding/decoding functions (implemented in the core library libwolframe)
 NcmdbindInterfaces to command handlers and some basic command handlers (implemented in the library libwolframe_langbind)
 NconfigInterfaces and templates for configuration structures and parsers
 NtraitsTemplates for type dependend characteristics in configuration
 NcryptoCryprographic structures and functions (implemented in the core library libwolframe)
 NdbDatabase related classes (implemented in the library libwolframe_database)
 NvmClasses implementing the virtual machine for executing database transactions
 NlangbindGlueing classes for language bindings and filters (implemented in the library libwolframe_langbind)
 NlogLogger structures (implemented in the core library libwfsingleton)
 NmoduleModule base classes and object builder structures
 NnetNetwork and connection handling
 NprgbindInterfaces to programs and the program library
 NprocProcessor provider and execution context
 NprotocolHelper classes for implementing the protocol and handling buffers
 NserializeSerialization library (implemented in the library libwolframe_serialize)
 NtraitsTemplates for type dependend characteristics in serialization
 NtypesBasic data types (implemented in the core library libwolframe)
 NtraitsTemplates for type dependend characteristics in basic types
 NutilsUtility functions for parsing, handling files, allocating memory, etc. (implemented in the core library libwolframe)
 NstdSTL namespace