Wolframe, 0.0.3

types Directory Reference


file  addressRestriction.hpp [code]
 Interface for a map for configured ip based authorization checks.
file  base64.hpp [code]
file  bignumber.hpp [code]
 Type for representing arbitrary precision fixed point numbers and big integers as binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers.
file  conversions.hpp [code]
 Conversions of atomic types.
file  customDataNormalizer.hpp [code]
 Custom data normalization function.
file  customDataType.hpp [code]
 Custom data type interface for variant.
file  datetime.hpp [code]
 Date and datetime value type.
file  doctypeinfo.hpp [code]
 Structure for document type and format.
file  form.hpp [code]
 Defines the unified form data structure as defined by a DDL (data definition language). A form data structure represents the document unit of a wolframe request or answer.
file  integer.hpp [code]
 Application wide definitions of integer number value types.
file  keymap.hpp [code]
 template for map with case insensitive key strings
file  normalizeFunction.hpp [code]
 Normalize function definition.
file  numberBaseConversion.hpp [code]
 Private interface for big number conversions from decimal to binary represention and back.
file  propertyTree.hpp [code]
 Interface to a key value tree based on boost::property_tree::ptree with position info for better error reporting.
file  secureReference.hpp [code]
 Smart pointer definition with the intention to hold sensitive data.
file  secureString.hpp [code]
 String constant definition with the intention to hold sensitive data.
file  sharedReference.hpp [code]
 Shared reference to an object exchangeable in a single thread context.
file  string.hpp [code]
 Type for strings in various encodings.
file  traits.hpp [code]
 Type traits.
file  variant.hpp [code]
 Variant value type.
file  variantStruct.hpp [code]
 Structures of variant types.
file  variantStructDescription.hpp [code]
 Description of structures of variant types.