Wolframe, 0.0.3

appProperties.hpp File Reference

application wide singleton for the application properties More...

#include "version.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


 Toplevel Wolframe namespace.
 Interfaces and templates for configuration structures and parsers.
 Network and connection handling.


const char * _Wolframe::applicationName ()
const Version _Wolframe::applicationVersion ()
const char * _Wolframe::config::defaultMainConfig ()
const char * _Wolframe::config::defaultUserConfig ()
const char * _Wolframe::config::defaultLocalConfig ()
const char * _Wolframe::config::defaultServiceName ()
unsigned short _Wolframe::net::defaultTCPport ()
unsigned short _Wolframe::net::defaultSSLport ()

Detailed Description

application wide singleton for the application properties