Wolframe, 0.0.3

serialize Directory Reference


directory  ddl
directory  struct


file  configSerialize.hpp [code]
 Defines functions for serialization/deserialization of configuration.
file  cppFormFunction.hpp [code]
 Interface to form functions written in C++.
file  ddlFormParser.hpp [code]
 Interface to DDL form parsing.
file  ddlFormSerializer.hpp [code]
 Interface to DDL form serialization.
file  descriptiveConfiguration.hpp [code]
 Named configuration defined by description.
file  flags.hpp [code]
 Defines the flags for serialization behaviour.
file  mapContext.hpp [code]
 Defines the data structure holding the global serialization state variables (without the stack)
file  structOptionParser.hpp [code]
 Provides uniform handling of structures in program command line options.
file  tostringUtils.hpp [code]
 Defines a configuration structure parser.