Wolframe, 0.0.3

Document type detection module
class DoctypeDetectorMyFormat
virtual void putInput( const char* chunk, std::size_t chunksize)
// ... feed your detector with a new input chunk here
virtual bool run()
// ... try to detect your document format in the input
// ... return false and set the lastError in case of error
// ... return false without setting lastError if you need more input chunks
// ... return true, if you can decide wheter the document format is yours or not
virtual const char* lastError() const
// ... return the last error occurred here
virtual const _Wolframe::types::DoctypeInfoR& info() const
// ... return the document type infor structure here, if the document format is yours
WF_MODULE_BEGIN( "myDocformat", "document type/format detection for MyFormat")
WF_DOCUMENT_FORMAT( "MYFM", DoctypeDetectorMyFormat)