Table of Contents
In this chapter we give a survey of the basic data types used in the Wolframe module interfaces.
The variant data type describes an atomic value of any scalar or string type.
It is the basic type for interfaces to all language bindings for writing Wolframe
applications. The type Variant
is defined in types/variant.hpp
has the following interface:
namespace _Wolframe { namespace types { class Variant { public: //Different value types a variant can have: enum Type { Custom, //< data type defined by a custom data type module Timestamp, //< date and time value with a precision down to microseconds BigNumber, //< big BCD fixed point number in the range of 1E-32767 to 1E+32768 Double, //< IEEE 754 double precision floating point number Int, //< 64 bit signed integer value UInt, //< 64 bit unsigned integer value Bool, //< boolean value String //< 0-terminated UTF-8 string }; //Current type enum or type name of this: Type type() const; const char* typeName() const; //Null constructor: Variant(); //Copy constructors: Variant( bool o); Variant( double o); Variant( float o); Variant( int o); Variant( unsigned int o); Variant( Data::Int o); Variant( Data::UInt o); Variant( const char* o); Variant( const char* o, std::size_t n); Variant( const std::string& o); Variant( const Variant& o); Variant( const types::CustomDataType* typ, const types::CustomDataInitializer* dsc=0); Variant( const types::CustomDataValue& o); Variant( const types::DateTime& o); Variant( const types::BigNumber& o); //Assignment operators: Variant& operator=( const Variant& o); Variant& operator=( bool o); Variant& operator=( double o); Variant& operator=( float o); Variant& operator=( int o); Variant& operator=( unsigned int o); Variant& operator=( Data::Int o); Variant& operator=( Data::UInt o); Variant& operator=( const char* o); Variant& operator=( const std::string& o); Variant& operator=( const types::CustomDataValue& o); Variant& operator=( const char* o); Variant& operator=( const types::DateTime& o); Variant& operator=( const types::BigNumber& o); //Initializer as constant (borrowed value reference): void initConstant( const char* o, std::size_t l); void initConstant( const std::string& o); void initConstant( const char* o); //Comparison operators: bool operator==( const Variant& o) const; bool operator!=( const Variant& o) const; bool operator>( const Variant& o) const; bool operator>=( const Variant& o) const; bool operator<=( const Variant& o) const; bool operator<( const Variant& o) const; //Getter functions with value conversion if needed: std::string tostring() const; std::wstring towstring() const; double todouble() const; bool tobool() const; Data::Int toint() const; Data::UInt touint() const; Data::Timestamp totimestamp() const; //Base pointer in case of a string (throws if not string): char* charptr() const; //Size in case of a string (throws if not string): std::size_t charsize() const; ///\brief Get the pointer to the custom data object (throws for non custom data type) const CustomDataValue* customref() const; ///\brief Get the pointer to the custom data object (throws for non custom data type) CustomDataValue* customref(); ///\brief Get the pointer to the big number object (throws for non big number data type) const types::BigNumber* bignumref() const; ///\brief Get the pointer to the big number object (throws for non big number data type) types::BigNumber* bignumref(); ///\brief Getter with value conversion Data::Timestamp totimestamp() const; ///\brief Test if this value is atomic (not a structure or an indirection) bool atomic() const; //Evaluate if defined (not Null): bool defined() const; //Reset to Null: void clear(); //Convert type: void convert( Type type_); //Move assignment from value o (o gets Null): void move( Variant& o); ///\brief Assigning o to this including a conversion to a defined type void assign( Type type_, const Variant& o); }; }} //namespace
Certain interfaces like filters use the type VariantConst
that is the same as a
variant but does not hold ownership on the value it references. VariantConst
is defined
to avoid unnecessary string copies mainly in filters. It inherits the properties of the type Variant
and adds or overwrites some methods.
has to be used carefully because we have to ensure on our own that the
referenced value exists as long as the VariantConst
exists. The mechanisms of C++ do not support you here. You have to know what you do.
The type VariantConst
is also defined in types/variant.hpp
has the following interface:
namespace _Wolframe { namespace types { struct VariantConst :public Variant { //Null constructor: VariantConst(); //Copy constructors: VariantConst( const Variant& o); VariantConst( const VariantConst& o); VariantConst( bool o); VariantConst( double o); VariantConst( float o); VariantConst( int o); VariantConst( unsigned int o); VariantConst( Data::Int o); VariantConst( Data::UInt o); VariantConst( const char* o); VariantConst( const char* o, std::size_t n); VariantConst( const std::string& o); VariantConst( const types::CustomDataValue& o); VariantConst( const types::BigNumber& o); VariantConst( const types::DateTime& o); //Assignment operators: VariantConst& operator=( const Variant& o); VariantConst& operator=( const VariantConst& o); VariantConst& operator=( bool o); VariantConst& operator=( double o); VariantConst& operator=( float o); VariantConst& operator=( int o); VariantConst& operator=( unsigned int o); VariantConst& operator=( Data::Int o); VariantConst& operator=( Data::UInt o); VariantConst& operator=( const char* o); VariantConst& operator=( const std::string& o); VariantConst& operator=( const types::CustomDataValue& o); VariantConst& operator=( const types::BigNumber& o); VariantConst& operator=( const types::DateTime& o); VariantConst& operator=( const char* o); VariantConst& operator=( const std::string& o); }; }} //namespace
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