Chapter 3. Configuration

This chapter describes the configuration of the wolframe server besides the data processing described in the section data processing and the AAAA backends described in the section AAAA.

3.1. Service or daemon configuration

The service configuration is depending on the platform you run the Wolframe server. We show the configuration for Windows and Unix in different sections:

3.1.1. Windows

The service configuration for Windows is defined in the section Service. The following table describes the settings in the service configuration for Windows. The service configuration for Windows is only read at installation time. Changing them later in the configuration file has no effect.

Table 3.1. Windows service configuration settings

ServiceNamestringParameter for service registration. Defines the name of the service
DisplayNamestringParameter for service registration. Defines the display name of the service
DescriptionstringParameter for service registration. Defines the description of the service

Example configuration:

Service {
    ServiceName wolframe
    DisplayName "Wolframe Daemon"
    Description "Wolframe Daemon"

3.1.2. Unix

The daemon configuration for Unix systems is defined in the section Daemon. The following table describes the settings in a daemon configuration:

Table 3.2. Unix daemon configuration settings

UseridentifierDefines the name of the user the Wolframe server should run as.
GroupidentifierDefines the name of the group of the user the Wolframe server should run as.
PidFilefilepathDefines the path to the file used as pid file

Example configuration:

Daemon {
    User    wolframe
    Group   wolframe
    PidFile /var/run/