Chapter 2. Installation via binary packages

This section describes how to install the Wolframe application via packages on various operating systems.

2.1. Linux distributions

Linux distributions are currently built on the Open Build Server ( and on a bunch of virtual machines.

The resulting packages and the repository metadata is hosted on Sourceforge (

The packages are always build with the default system compiler, which is currently GNU gcc.

Packages for proprietary software (like the Oracle database module) have to be built manually, they can not be distributed as binary packages due to license problems.

2.1.1. RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, Scientific Linux and similar Linux distributions

Available packages

  • wolframe-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: contains the Wolframe core server with minimal 3rd party software requirements

  • wolframe-sqlite3-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: the database module for Sqlite3 databases

  • wolframe-postgresql-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: the database module for PostgreSQL databases

  • wolframe-libxml2-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: filtering module for XML and XSLT (using libxml2/libxslt)

  • wolframe-textwolf-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: filtering module for XML (using textwolf)

  • wolframe-cjson-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: filtering module for JSON (using cJSON)

  • wolframe-pam-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: authentication module for PAM

  • wolframe-sasl-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: authentication module for SASL

  • wolframe-python-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: language bindings for Python

  • wolframe-lua-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: language bindings for Lua

  • wolframe-libhpdf-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: printing module using libhpdf

  • wolframe-freeimage-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: image manipuation module using FreeImage

  • wolframe-libclient-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: C/C++ client library

  • wolframe-client-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: command line tool

  • wolfclient-0.0.4 .x86_64.rpm: Wolframe graphical frontend


Install binary packages manually

Installing the packages via repositories is usually the prefered way.

Install from repository

First install the repository file for the corresponding distribution (as example we choose Centos 6):

	cd /etc/yum.repos.d

You can list all available Wolframe packages with:

	yum search wolframe

You install the main Wolframe package with:

	yum install wolframe

You have to accept the signing key:

	Retrieving key from
	Importing GPG key 0x9D404026:
	Userid: "home:wolframe_user OBS Project <>"
	From  :
	Is this ok [y/N]: y

You can start the service with:

	service wolframed start


	systemctl start wolframed

on newer Fedora systems.

2.1.2. Debian, Ubuntu and similar Linux distributions

Available packages

  • wolframe_0.0.3 _amd64.deb: contains the Wolframe core server with minimal 3rd party software requirements

  • wolframe_sqlite3-0.0.3 _amd64.deb: the database module for Sqlite3 databases

  • wolframe_postgresql-0.0.3 _amd64.deb: the database module for PostgreSQL databases

  • wolframe-libxml2_0.0.3 _amd64.deb: filtering module for XML and XSLT (using libxml2/libxslt)

  • wolframe_textwolf_0.0.3 _amd64.deb: filtering module for XML (using textwolf)

  • wolframe-cjson_0.0.3 _amd64.deb: filtering module for JSON (using cJSON)

  • wolframe-pam_0.0.3 _amd64.deb: authentication module for PAM

  • wolframe-sasl_0.0.3 _amd64.deb: authentication module for SASL

  • wolframe-python_0.0.3 _amd64.deb: language bindings for Python

  • wolframe-lua_0.0.3 _amd64.deb: language bindings for Lua

  • wolframe-libhpdf_0.0.3 _amd64.deb: printing module using libhpdf

  • wolframe-freeimage_0.0.3 _amd64.deb: image manipuation module using FreeImage

  • wolframe-libclient_0.0.3 _amd64.deb: C/C++ client library

  • wolframe-client_0.0.3 _amd64.deb: command line tool

  • wolfclient_0.0.4 _amd64.deb: Wolframe graphical frontend


Install binary packages manually

Installing the packages via repositories is usually the prefered way.

Install from repository

Note: Some older versions of Ubuntu (like Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 10.04 LTS or Debian 6) have problems to download the metadata files from Sourceforge. If you get messages like:

	W: Failed to fetch  Got a single header line over 360 chars
	Err  Packages               

then you have to download the binaries manually.

Add a new repository file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wolframe.list which contains:

	deb /

(as example we choose Ubuntu 14.04).

Download the signing key:


Verify that the key then add it with:

	apt-key add - < Release.key

Update the repository with:

	apt-get update

You can list all available Wolframe packages with:

	apt-cache search wolframe

You install the main Wolframe package with:

	apt-get install wolframe

To start the Wolframe service you have to edit the file /etc/default/wolframe and enable the wolframe daemon there:


You can start the service now with:

	service wolframed start

2.1.3. openSUSE, SLES and similar Linux distributions

Available packages

  • wolframe-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: contains the Wolframe core server with minimal 3rd party software requirements

  • wolframe-sqlite3-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: the database module for Sqlite3 databases

  • wolframe-postgresql-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: the database module for PostgreSQL databases

  • wolframe-libxml2-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: filtering module for XML and XSLT (using libxml2/libxslt)

  • wolframe-textwolf-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: filtering module for XML (using textwolf)

  • wolframe-cjson-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: filtering module for JSON (using cJSON)

  • wolframe-pam-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: authentication module for PAM

  • wolframe-sasl-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: authentication module for SASL

  • wolframe-python-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: language bindings for Python

  • wolframe-lua-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: language bindings for Lua

  • wolframe-libhpdf-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: printing module using libhpdf

  • wolframe-freeimage-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: image manipuation module using FreeImage

  • wolframe-libclient-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: C/C++ client library

  • wolframe-client-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: command line tool

  • wolfclient-0.0.4 .x86_64.rpm: Wolframe graphical frontend


Install binary packages manually

Currently installing the packages directly is the prefered way.

Install from repository

Note: This is currently not working perfectly and some steps have to be done manually.

First we add the Wolframe repository for the corresponding distribution (as example we choose OpenSUSE 13.1):

	zypper addrepo

You may get the following error:

	/var/adm/mount/AP_0xmiyYP3/projects/wolframe/files/repositories/openSUSE-13.1/wolframe.repo: Line 1 is missing '=' sign
	Is it a .repo file? See for details.

Try to download the repo file by hand and install it by hand:

	zypper addrepo wolframe.repo

Now refresh your repositories with:

	zypper refresh

If you get the following message

	File 'repomd.xml' from repository 'Wolframe Project (openSUSE-13.1)' is unsigned, continue? [yes/no] (no): yes

the signing key could not be downloaded from SourceForge. Accept it in this case anyway.

If you get the following message

	File './repodata/ea7cb8d9a0caa2c3d8977919be124accdf55c6b8952ddee72f1b48f4decb0644-primary.xml.gz' not found on medium ''

	Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/? shows all options] (a): u^H
	Invalid answer ''. [a/r/i/? shows all options] (a): ?

	a - Skip retrieval of the file and abort current operation.
	r - Try to retrieve the file again.
	i - Skip retrieval of the file and try to continue with the operation without the file.
	u - Change current base URI and try retrieving the file again.

	[a/r/i/? shows all options] (a): u				

the Sourceforge redirect didn't work and you have to force the baseURL to be a SourceForge mirror like:

	New URI:

You can list all available Wolframe packages with:

	zypper se wolframe
	zypper se wolfclient

You install the main Wolframe package with:

	zypper install wolframe

You can start the service with:

	service wolframed start


	systemctl start wolframed

on newer openSUSE systems.

2.1.4. ArchLinux

Available packages

Wolframe is currently only available as two monolithic packages:

  • wolframe-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: contains the Wolframe core server with all modules for 3rdParty software included,

  • wolfclient-0.0.4 .x86_64.rpm: Wolframe graphical frontend


Install binary packages manually

You can use the packages from directly.

Install from repository

First add the following section to /etc/pacman.conf:

	SigLevel = Optional DatabaseRequired
	Server =$arch

Fetch and verify the sigining key, import and locally sign the key:

	pacman-key --add Release.key
	pacman-key --lsign 9D404026

Alternatively you can also disable the verification of the signature of the database by removing 'DatabaseRequired' from the 'SigLevel' option.

Update the repository data with:

	pacman -Syy

You can list all available Wolframe packages with:

	pacman -Sl wolframe

You install the main Wolframe package with:

	pacman -S wolframe

You can start the service with:

	systemctl start wolframed

Install from the AUR

You can also customize your build by downloading the build files from the AUR at and customize them to your needs.

For instance:

	yaourt -G wolframe
	cd wolframe

2.1.5. Slackware

Available packages

Wolframe is currently only available as two monolithic packages:

  • wolframe-0.0.3 .x86_64.rpm: contains the Wolframe core server with all modules for 3rdParty software included,

  • wolfclient-0.0.4 .x86_64.rpm: Wolframe graphical frontend


Install binary packages manually

Download the package file (we picked 64-bit Slackware 14 for example):


You install the Wolframe package with:

	installpkg wolframe-0.0.3

You can start the service with:

	/etc/rc.d/rc.wolframed start